Maybe we should put our minds together as a community and create and send our own random/meaningless/all-too-clever/inane ads to the advertisers who post ads on
But then what's the best response to 1. d4 d5 2. c4?
Maybe we should put our minds together as a community and create and send our own random/meaningless/all-too-clever/inane ads to the advertisers who post ads on
But then what's the best response to 1. d4 d5 2. c4?
Maybe we should put our minds together as a community and create and send our own random/meaningless/all-too-clever/inane ads to the advertisers who post ads on
1. But then what's the best response to 1. d4 d5 2. c4?
1. Decline the gambit pawn.
What's the best response to 1.d4 c5? I don't think there is one. 1.d4 players hate seeing 1...c5.
Maybe we should put our minds together as a community and create and send our own random/meaningless/all-too-clever/inane ads to the advertisers who post ads on