
To the staff, "resign" threads

bastiaan wrote:

If something is annoying it shouldn't automatically banned. resigning is an endless discussion, but one which is about chess, and one that doesn't necessarily hurt people. 
If discussion threads are the most annoying on this site, that's a good thing.

Quite so, Unlike discussion of cheating - which is both uninformed and harmful to the site. Clearly no-one has yet produced the killer-argument on resigning.


"Clearly no-one has yet produced the killer-argument on resigning." maybe that is what I am just looking for. :-)

kco wrote:

"Clearly no-one has yet produced the killer-argument on resigning." maybe that is what I am just looking for. :-)

Okay, here goes:


The staff are very busy at the moment handling all manner of problems that relate to loss of site functionality. What makes you think that your objections to "resigning" threads should top that list?


never said that and I posted this before thiers updates, I've got no problem with that


Some arguments here, which - while not killers, do at least cause a slight headache.