It's based on rating, if you have a higher rating means you will place higher in a tie break scenario
Tie breaks in arena?
It's based on rating, if you have a higher rating means you will place higher in a tie break scenario
I was hoping it would be something else. That is super lame by cc but thanks for the answer!
Lol np, yeah but I believe it's also the same otb to be fair
Otb they use the same tie breaks which cc uses in the swiss tournaments (see
It's based on rating, if you have a higher rating means you will place higher in a tie break scenario
I played another tournament today which features a shared third place! At this point it does not even make any sense. Link: file:
We eventually found the reasoning, right?
I wish. Shared 3rd place makes no sense at all
Getting and maintaining a streak (consecutive wins) gives you more points on arenas.
I know. However we are talking about tied points after an arena finished
rating has NO effect on ARENA tiebreakers
according to
"The Arena winners are determined by who has the most points when time runs out! The amount of time an Arena lasts depends on the time setting of the games.
If there is a tie, then the victory will go to the player with the longest streak. If it is still a tie, then the winner will be the one with the most wins. If that is still a tie, then the player with the fewest losses will win."
I just finished a rapid 60 minute arena and downloaded the results. However I can not see why place 2 and 3 or 5 und 6 are the way says. I read the support article regarding tie breaks but it only includes swiss tournaments or round robin (daily). Can anyone help me here?
Arena link:
Result file: