my advice, play in the rated section
if you are and should be approx 1400 and gain say 100 rating points, then unless you improve your chess to bring you skill up to a genuine 1500 level, you will slide back towards the 1400 mark
similarly if you lose 100 points, over the next games your rating will edge its way back to your natural level, ie 1400
so try and adjust your mindset to concentrate more on your games than on your ratings - go on, jump in the deep end and enter the rated section - give some feedback on where you joined and what your results were ?
I'm just starting out and I want to go to a tournament. There's one coming up this weekend near my home, the LPO. I know this is relative to my rating, but am I more likely to get killed in the under 1400 catagory, or the unrated catagory? I really don't want to play rated yet, I'd rather get better before I do so I don't totally blow my rating. Will the unrated tournament players have a reasonable average rating for me (>1400)?