Click under announcements and there it is
You need to know this! It only works if you are in the legends league though (me)!
I don't know what announcement you're referring to but there are only 5 announcements here and the last one was posted on January 9.
Chess News and Event Coverage -
It's an announcement and it is a arena
What has been mentioned, a few times, is that there has been no updates made by staff in regards to any changes or upcoming events in the club. The only announcement was from January stating that events are on hold until further notice and there has been no notice of changes.
You automatically join the legends club as soon as you promote from champion (thus, they are all legends). You cannot participate in legend league tournament, nor see the announcement we are talking about from elite. You got to promote twice to get there.
It is on announcements!!!!
The only pertinent announcement is about the events being postponed
Looks like you're referring to this one...but as you can see here, it's dated May 20, 2022 (more than a year ago). The last announcement they made was on January saying that all events have been postponed.
If you really believe that there will be a new event at the end of the month then it's up to you. It's not that we don't want events, but you should consider reviewing announcement dates first before hyping up other players not on the Legend's club.
Imremuel missed th bottom but saying that it happens every last Friday of the month
Except for the fact that the January announcement posted supercedes that. There haven't been any events since December of last year and there are currently no changes to that.
There won't be any events until there is a new announcement about it.
Click more under announcements and there it is