
Our Family Annual CRAB FEED


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    Crab Cioppino


             Denver High

                    Memoir 2014

               Getting Ready

I remember the first time I decided to make the crab Cioppino Christmas dinner. Grandpa Bert, who was Italian and a meat cutter, taught me the first time. He used to live in North Beach in San Francisco.

Bert said, "We must have one crab for each adult. So make sure you get at least 16 crabs. Make sure you get a pound of prawns, some clams. Make sure the clams aren't open, if they are open that means they are old. Also get some fish to throw in there."

I bought sixteen cleaned crabs and all the other stuff. We cracked them in the sink pounding with a hammer. That caused the crab juices to splatter on the aprons we were wearing. We made the sauce with tomatoes, tomato paste, onions, garlic, an array of herbs and we poured a bottle of red wine for flavor. We poured over the crab and let them saturate overnight.

The pot I use is one of those that are dark blue porcelain coated and you can cook a whole turkey in it. I also use an old Italian white porcelain pot that holds about six gallons.

We made the Cioppino because of great-grandpa Tony Barbera; he was a fisherman and owned a fishing boat on San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf. He owned the first ever Diesel engine boat at the Wharf. When they made the Chiappino he put so much fish that it was really a feast.

The Barbera family was always tired of eating crab, because they had it all the time. Grandma Josephine Barbera married another Bert Bertini who was a butcher. Excuse me he called himself a meat cutter. He also liked to put a lot of ocean creatures in it.

Dinner was Crab Cioppino. White rice with crab Cioppino sauce over it, fresh tossed salad, fresh real French bread, real butter. Margarine was allowed in my home, Pepsi or root beer. Bert was allowed to have wine because he was an Italian. Coffee cause grandma likes it.

Desert: Pumpkin or apple pie and vanilla ice cream with whipping cream.

                 Crab Eating Time

I got some butcher paper and made large neck bibs for everyone for dinner.

"You don't wear a bib, you don't get any crab," I told everyone. "Also you adult can only have two of the breast in the pots. If you cheat you get no dessert."

It was the first time our whole family had crab for Christmas at our home. Just before dinner was served, we had to set up several tables and chairs that extended into the living room.

This dinner turned out fun, with much laughter and talk. It was a noisy affair since our home is small but that was always part of the fun.

Bert said as he stirred the crab Cioppino to serve it, "Hey, did you put the prawns in here?"

"Yeah, I bought several pounds of them like you told me."

"Well I can't find any in here and what about the fish? Did you get it?"

"Sure, you saw me put it in there, remember? It must have disintegrated."

"Well I can't find it in here either, but I can see the clams."

Nobody cared for clams, except for Bert. Everyone just wanted the crab. Some cheated changing the breast for claws and some getting more than two breasts by being sneaky, including me. There is always someone trying to end up with more than two crab breast. Some of the bibs got very red with the sauce from the pliers and the nut crackers being used on the crab.

             Finishing the Crab

The Cioppino that I make now is simple, no prawns, no shrimp no clams and no fish and I add a bottle of red wine. I let the cracked crab marinate for a whole day in the sauce so the flavor is throughout the crab.

I prepare each crab by ripping of the claws and legs. Then I rip open the bottom and wash away the yellow poo. Using regular pliers or Channel Locks I crack each claw and leg so good that when we eat the nutcrackers aren't needed. There isn't any messy splattering of red stuff and we don't use bibs. I do such a good job you just have to use your fingers to eat it. The plates are usually wiped clean with the French bread because the sauce is so good.

We don't serve any liquor, but we have real Pepsi or apple cider in bottles. I found out I can purchased onions already cut up at Trader Joe's and then I don't have to cry.

There four methods my family eats my Chiappino. The first method is just to dive right in and as the cracked crab is pulled apart you eat the meat as it becomes exposed, just using your fingers and many napkins.

The second method is the eater with patience that pulls out all the meat from the breast, the claws, and the legs, pile it up on the plate before starting to enjoy it.

The third is like the second method except that they mix it with the rice and then make sure there is plenty of sauce for flavor.

The last is how the kids eat since they only get a leg or maybe a claw to break apart and barely have much crab.

I like to eat two breasts first. Then I start on the claws and lastly I go for the legs. They break very easy and I crunch them with my teeth, then I suck and slurp so the meat just comes into my mouth. My family hates when I slurp, they don't want to hear it. I love the rice and French bread with real butter.

                                Dinner Time

Christmas day around five in the afternoon we start to eat. We will have sixteen crabs prepared. All of my four sons, six of seven grandchildren will be at the dinner this year. It will be at Keith's home. After dinner we will make a mess opening up the presents. After that we have the dessert. I think it will be a great Christmas for us.

Unfortunatelly for me I always take home a pot full of legs and claws for the next several meals. Usually one son and I eat it all.

                                  I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.


Feliz Navidad Denver! Smile



Great story! Hope you had a great Christmas!


So far all my Christmas have been great. Hope you also had a great one.




Doesn't anyone like crab Chioppino? . . .

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