Many years of playing...marginal results. If I'm having a good day, I can play a pretty strong game against much stronger opponents. If I'm not having a good day on the board, which is often lol, expect some tasty blunders.
2000+ rated player kill list (no disrespect meant to opponents) (casual) *click to see game* - Current Tally of the List: 52 games - when I reach 50, I will delete and start a new list of 2100+ only
50 GOAL REACHED!!!! - will delete eventually and start over with only 2100+ players.
Tomi(2314) - (blocked me after winning)
P.s. to any and all of the plethora of cheaters I have...and will...face, I truly hope you and everyone you love suffers. I truly wish I could choke the life out of you