
 Hey!!! Welcome to my bio! I love meeting new people and would love to get to know you as well! If you're already friends with me......well....... I can't make you not read my bio, but I'll warn you that it's a long one so you may want to have a few minutes if you plan on reading the whole thing. XD (once I get it done anyway)

Who am I?

 I'm Autumn! A girl who can describe her life in three words "One Blessed Mess" 

 First and foremost, I am a CHRISTian. (DM me if you want to know more) 

 I'm a Bible in my right hand, camera in my left, boots on my feet and my savior leading me kinda girl 

 I'm weird (talk to me for 5 seconds and you'll see what I mean) 

 I'm broken but I serve a God who heals the broken in spirit and if you're broken too, He'll help you as well! 

 Where do I live?

 Yeah...... no, you ain't getting that. Here is a hint: I live somewhere in the world. Okay more specific, I live in the country and I'm a pure country girl at heart.  Nothing like fresh air, and a nice waterfall by a creek to clear up your mind or to just relax yourself by. I love where I live with my large, chaotic family and all my animals. 

How old am I?

Again, that's something you aren't getting. All you people need to know from reading this is that I am a homeschool graduate happy.png  

My chess rating? 

Great question! I have literally no clue. I just play because I enjoy the game. I'm far from the best but I love the strategy and chess reminds me of life. Each move can make or break the game. It's not always easy to decide which move to take and when we come close to running out of time more often than not, we make careless moves. Each move we make changes the game whether for good or bad. Each move we make in life changes our outcome whether good or bad. Not all the pieces or decision in our life are as important as others but yet they all have a place. Just as each piece is necessary to be on the board to play the game correctly, each season we go through in our lives is necessary. Good, bad, sad or happy, to everything there is a season and life wouldn't be life without them. 

What are my hobbies?

Listening, playing or writing music 
Studying the Bible 
Walking in the woods 
Hanging out with friends 
Doing anything that involves water (I LOOOOOVEEE THE WATER!) 
Spending time with my family 
Hanging out on the lake 
Traveling (not really a hobby but I enjoy going places) 
Graphic design 

other random facts abt me

  • I'm the oldest in my family but very quickly becoming the shortest 
  • I am NOT very coordinated and I'm very clumsy 
  • Autocorrect is my worst enemy and it never seems to understand me 
  • I own approximately 27 journals 
  • I love sunflowers 
  • I am typically multitasking so don't be surprised if I don't answer though I'm active 
  • Yeah, idk what else to put here soooo I'm going to go to the next section 

Bible verses that are very encouraging to me 

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" Ephesians 2:8 KJV

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 KJV

"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Psalms 147:3 KJV

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1

99.9% of you won't post this. When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% who cares, put that on your profile.


1. You are reading this.

2. You are human.

3. You can't say the letter "p" without separating your lips.

4. You just attempted to do it.

6. You are laughing at yourself.

7. You have a smile on your face, and you skipped number 5.

8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5.

9. You laugh at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too.

10. Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for it too.

I did not write this originally. I copied it from somebody else's account.

12 things I want you to know 

  1. God Loves you!!!
  2.  Be careful of who you put your trust in
  3. You can be in control, you just have to believe it
  4. It's the mistakes that improve us
  5. Life is...  hard but that doesn't make it impossible
  6. Don't waste what you have left
  7. Be with someone that brings out the best in you, not someone that stresses you
  8. Little kids can see what most cannot
  9. Your time as a child won't last long, so don't waste your time trying to grow up
  10. Change is possible
  11. Once you say prideful words, you can never unsay them, and they can cause a lot of hurt to others.
  12. Don't ever change for someone else. God made you as you, you're enough, don't sell yourself short. Wait on God and grow in Him then He'll bring the one for you. 
    (Copied from @GirlWonderingDaLife profile) 

                                                   Great friends to have!! (in no order)

@kotlcfangirl111 Ahh!! Sarah where do I start with you?! You're super sweet and from the minute we started talking I knew I could trust you. You're always so positive and looking on the bright side of life!! You care about your family and you're a strong prayer warrior. You don't hesitate to ask if somethings bothering someone and listening to them at any time. Your greatest focus is God, and you shine like a bright light no matter where you go. Keep growing in Him! <3 

@FaithBakes - I could write a book about you. You created a profile JUST so you could talk to me!! You're the literal definition of a best friend and I'm so glad to call you mine! I've never connected with anyone as fast as I did with you, by the end of our first conversation we were besties!!!! I'm praying for you all the time and hope we can talk again soon 💖

@MaryLowe13 - You're just a ray of sunshine in so many people's lives. Seeing a message from you always make me smile. Every message is full of joy and positivity! You asked if we could be best friends within a few short conversations and I about cried. You're a super happy girl and I can't wait to watch you continue to grow in the Lord.  🌞 (ps. I'm going to respond to your message I promise I haven't forgotten) 

Feel free to send me a DM! If you need someone to talk to you or listen to you or pray for you, I'm here. Don't be scared of sharing what may be going on in your life or asking others to pray. In our weakness His strength is made perfect <3

(I'm still working on the rest of this)
Jesus loves you!!! <3 

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