חברות מועדון זהב


Info About Me:

I may be on a Chess website, but I'm not the best at Chess.... as you would expect from someone like me.(I'm a bad 300, but trying to get to 500)

If you want to contact someone about Viroh, and info about him, Me and @snowy are the people to contact(RIP @Bobcatz, our third member of the anti-viroh group #JusticeForBobcatz #HateForTheVirus)

I live... somewhere in the milky way. I am.... unknown amount of years old.(Find my age using the kinematics equations! (My velocity - My initial velocity)/Acceleration lol joke)

My hobbies are origami, surfing, and water polo(WP!!!!!!!!!!!!).

My Clubs(please join them if you have the chance😀)

The-Chess-Champs(170+ Members) 

This was my first club that got big, it's in revival from the dead of inactivity, it would mean more than ever if you joined!

-Strategic Moves- (60+ Members)

My second big(ger) club, also in need of a revival.

You don't need to join any of these. But you would support me if you could.

My favorite clubs

The Fanwings.



My Clubs


Bio in progress.... from somewhere....

The FanWings.
The FanWings. 643 חברי מועדון
Chess.com Community
Chess.com Community 45,168 חברי מועדון
Lily's Horror Studios
Lily's Horror Studios 614 חברי מועדון
Bay Area Chess
Bay Area Chess 20,616 חברי מועדון
The Mark Mental Asylum
The Mark Mental Asylum 2,163 חברי מועדון