डायमंड सदस्य

Please avoid inviting me to clubs, I likely won't join, sorry :3

Ominous Mundane Thick Lingering Potion of Absorption Bad Luck Omen of Blindness Conduit Power Dark Dolphin Grace Fatally Poisonous Fire Resistance Glowing Hasty Health Boost Hero of the Village but Hunger Infested Instant Damage and Health Invisibility Jump Boost Levitation Lucky Mining Fatigue Nauseating Night Vision Oozing Raid Omen Regenerative Resistance Saturated Slow Falling Slowness Speed Strength in the Trial Omen Water Breathing Weakness Weaving Wind Charged and Withering.

I am an Off Topic Forum member, but I will sometimes play actual chess too. Not as much though.

I'm a 15 year old sophomore in high school, and I have both autism and ADHD.

(Also I am on this website in school a lot too)

I like...

Meme nonsense... Back in mah day, we used to call them brainrots "YouTube Poop" 



Fortnite...? (Honestly, not much anymore... I've just lost interest, and I don't like their weird Metaverse or "Roblox-ification" thing they are doing. I do like UEFN though.)

Minecraft (Been playing that for most of my life, since 2012-ish.)

DDLC (I've gotten into that fandom quite recently, since August of this year)

Playing around in Premiere Pro (My school pays for it lmao)

Film & TV class in school... Don't film my tri-cycler, nor my bi-cycler. My whip-whopler nor my tip-topler. Don't film me, I say, especially today! That's legal notice, I say, no filming me today!

'Tis the season!

Rest in peace to all lives lost in Hurricane Helene 🫡

(I probably won't delete this for a while. Even if I wasn't very affected by it, I do live in Middle Tennessee, which is close to where it was affected.)

     Twelve O' Clock, First Night

     The telephone rings.

     Good evening sir, and welcome to "Sir Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbearington and Associates' Tea and Biscuits!" I do have some words of advice for you. Do be careful, because it has come to my attention that the fur-suited automatons, also known as Fredrick Fitzgerald Fazbearington, Barnaby Harechester, Maddme Trisabella Poultryhampton, and Sir Foxington the Fourth, do behave quite bizarre and unusual in the late times of the evening until the early cracks of dawn.

     I mustn't let mine candle extinguish, lest I shall be consumed by the horrific Sir Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbearington...

     "Good heavens! Was that the infamous "Mighty Munch" of the year 1987?!" - A famous quote from the popular Sir Marcus Plier the Third while playing the fourth installment of the infamous motion-picture game "Five Consecutive Late Times of the Evening at Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbearington's"