
Hi, I'm Hazel. I'm a 12 year old girl who sucks at chess and is trying her best not to mess up in life. Some people call me Ella, and that's fine, too.

I try to act cheerful most of the time, but it's hard. I have pretty bad depression, but I try my best to say #noToSuicide.

A little more about me: I love listening to music and I play the violin! It's really fun, even though I'm not that good at it. My favorite song for violin is the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64. I know I sound really nerdy saying this, but I don't care. I also write romance novels! =) I'm working on a book on an online writing platform; here's the link if you're interested: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/1103253/we-have-to-stop-meeting-like-this/ 

Here's a sample from a chapter of my book.

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"Ally, he's here!" she shouted at the same time as the door swung open and Timothy ran outside in shorts and a soccer T-shirt. "Finally," he groaned. "Mom was making me practice on that piano. I'm going to find Aiden."

I froze. Piano? And I remembered Lilyana's words - "Ally, he's here" - Had Ally wanted to see me?


But then Ally came out the door, and nothing else mattered, because god, it was Ally. She was wearing jeans shorts, a purple top and headphones, which she quickly slid down around her neck. She crossed her arms but smiled in a way that was definitely not intended for me. Because it couldn't be, right?


"Aspen," she said, still grinning widely. She was acting like we were friends. And, as her cousin Basix (as well as Ariana Grande) liked to say, we can't be friends.


"Allegra," I said, wondering what the freaking avocado was going on. "Whatcha listening to?"


A flicker of her usual irritation flashed across her face, only to quickly be hidden by another blinding smile. I supposed she didn't want my small talk get in the way of whatever crazy plan she had. Because she obviously had some kind of crazy plan if she was smiling at me. "Taylor Swift," she said quickly. "Reputation."


"Um, you're kidding, right?" I said. "Reputation sucks." Although, to be honest, most of her albums didn't. And I'd taken the time to listen to them all after Ally became a die-hard Swiftie in the seventh grade. And... It wasn't half bad.


Ally rolled her eyes. I was relieved to see that she was acting sane again. "We need to talk, Aspen."


"Aren't we doing that right now?"


"I mean - " she said, gesturing to her family, several members of which were outside in the yard or the driveway. "In private."


"In private," I said. "How fascinating. You're not going to try anything inappropriate, are you? Because I know I make you want to."


Ally exhaled and rolled her eyes again.


"Do that a few more times and they'll get stuck like that," I teased.


"Come on, Aspen," she said, grabbing my hand. Her touch sent an electric jolt through me. I followed immediately.

She led me into her house, taking me upstairs and into a bedroom that I assumed was hers. Inside was a bed and a desk, with CDs and books neatly stacked up. Two pencils lay on the desk, and I noticed with amusement that they were exactly parallel to one another.


"Whoa," I said, feigning surprise. "Neat freak."


She ignored me and shut the door.


"You're sure you're not trying anything inappropriate?" I teased. 


"Shut up," she hissed. "Lower. The. Voice. Now."


"Fine," I said, dropping to an exaggerated whisper. "Like this?"


"Fine. Now listen," she said. 

"Mhm, mhm."

"So. I like Jack," she said. "Like, like like, like - "


"I know what you mean, darling," I said, clapping my hands together. "I am your fairy godfather after all! Lemme guess, you need me to set you guys up in exchange for $1,000,000 USD. Done!" Teasing her like this was painful for myself. I couldn't bear the thought of her and Jack together. But if it made her happy...


"No, shush," she said. "Jack only dates girls with 'experience'," she told me, using air quotes. "Girls who have dated before."


Somehow, I knew exactly where this was going. I felt anger boiling inside me. He didn't deserve Ally. To be fair, who did? But Jack... he was obviously a jerk.


"So," she said. "I need you to pretend to date me for six weeks."

There. There it was. She wanted me to fake-date her. And god, I was prepared to say yes. Because I could have her, if only for a month and a half. And she would act as if she cared for me, if only for a month and a half.

"There's a party at Mia's and Jack's in six weeks," she said. "And you're getting Jack to bring me as a date."


Done. I would do anything to make her happy. But I had to put up some fight, something. A trade, perhaps.


"I'll do it," I said. "On one condition. Timothy said you have a piano here?" I remembered the kid complaining earlier about practicing on it.


"Yep," she said.


"I'll do it if you let me practice on the piano for two hours every day." 


"Fine," she said. "You in?


I was astonished at my own luck. I'd get six weeks with Ally, six weeks of pretending to date her, for God's sake, as well as two hours a day to keep up with my piano practicing. Things were turning out better than I'd ever expected for this summer.


I shrugged. "This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in."

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Please DM me your thoughts, especially constructive criticism in regards to the writing. I'm always trying to get better and I appreciate tips.

I love my amazing friends! They're truly amazing people who always make my day! Let's start with

@Lilyana. One of my best friends of all time. We chat every single day, and although we tease each other a lot, we both love each other. Lily's funny, kind, forgiving, and an amazing friend.

@BasixWhiteBoy. Basix is like my brother. He's always there for me and I love him! He's a funny and kind guy, and although he denies it, it's an incredible experience being his friend. I'll always be there for him, even though he is a simp for Ariana Grande. =)

@Rosette-Solace. Rosy is my amazing roleplay sister and twin. We're besties for life and love the same books. We often match profile pictures, and she's such a fun person to be around!

@Love_Aiger. Sru has been one of my best friends ever since I recommended a Marissa Meyer book to her. I love her energy level, which always cheers me up when I'm down. She's an amazing friend to me. 🥰Love you book bestie!

@Alone-pt-ii. ❤️❤️Ellie is my amazing friend. I care for her like a sister and she makes me so happy. She's also taken by @Scemer and they're the best ship on Chess.com, so back off, creeps.

@Scemer. Ellie's boyfriend, a fun and cool person to hang out with. He dropped his guise as a cat a while ago, and now sits at the top of countless clubs, just watching the drama, and sometimes taking part in it, LOL.

@Jared. Jared and I are good friends. He's funny and kind, and I can't wait for him to be unmuted so we can talk in DMs and club notes. It's been rough having him muted; although we talk occasionally in club chats, we haven't talked as much, and I miss him. Glad to say he'll be unmuted on August 12.

@lordcj10101010. Another amazing friend of mine. He's such a fun and cool person to be around. He always makes me smile, and he even changed his profile picture to a romance novel for me! :> He's really fun to talk with, and also an awesome admin for my club.

@Catto. My amazing bestie!! He's funny and kind; although he's banned, I still can talk to him on discord and he's always there for me. He better get unbanned soon or else. #JusticeForDevil

@mqhal. ILYSM!!!! We met when she messaged me, "OMG YOU WRITE ROMANTIC COMEDY???" and then we immediately started screaming over Chess.com about romcom novels. She's a great friend to me!

@snowy. She causes the most chaos out of anybody I know (well, she's tied with Lily on that) but also one of the most fun people I know. We also match profile pictures sometimes! She's an awesome and supportive friend.

@AngelaPlayzChess. Truly such a a kind and understanding individual, made me feel so much better when I was in tears and feeling betrayed by my friends. She also has a YouTube channel you can subscribe to. :>

@Luan. One of my BFFs!! We don't talk super often, but when we do, it's so much fun. She's kind and always cracks me up. Do friend her. :>

@corny. A close friend of mine from the Off Topic Forums! He's really cool and supportive of me, and I'm so thankful that I have him in my life.

@ilovemycatjewel. Hope is my amazing friend, also from OTF. We are the queens of sarcasm, LOL.

I'm definitely not as formal as my bio might make me sound. I use grammar, punctuation, and proper capitalization in things like my bio and status, but remain blissfully unaware of its existence when talking with my friends.



Poverty has ruined this world. What do you expect from all the rich governments that aren't doing anything to help the hungry, the poor, and the homeless? Whenever I pass one of these people on the street I would do anything to help them. Unfortunately, people fake being hungry, poor or homeless so that they can earn an extra couple of pounds from the kind people who want to help. This shows how greedy this world has become—money, money, money forever.


If you are part of the group of people who care, copy and paste this and put it in your bio. 






My bio is under construction. Last updated 7/28/24. 

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