ბრილიანტის წევრი

Hello y'all! 🥳


♟️For reference, I SUCK beyond imaginable at chess. I find it fun to play though, despite being so horrific at it. I generally prefer card games, specifically bridge, hearts, and spades, rather than chess. 


My name's Sam, call me whatever nickname you want - whatever it is, I can guarantee that I've heard wierder and worse


I Lost the Game


Check this out!!


I am VERY indecisive. Wait, no maybe I'm not...


🎵I listen to old music, what y'all young folk would call, "Dad rock". Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles - you get the drill. Also the Beatles are better than the Stones and that's a hill I'm willing to die on. 


LOVE geograhy, specifically the memorisation part of it. Honestly something no one else probably said. But yeah, I memorised all 197 contry names, 197 locations, 197, flags, and 197 capitals. If y'all don't believe me, proof is at the bottom.


Purple is the best, change my mind! Wait, no, actually don't.


🇬🇧 I am British at heart, and that's all that matters!


People (I'm lonely 😭):


@BestBubble7 To say she's quite a handful would be an understatement...


@GloriousGavin42 He hasn't even read read Hitchhiker's Guide, how dare he use 42!


@octopodian Great fella. Plays a mean piano. I mean, we all know that he's "secretly" an alien, still not sure why he hides it.




🎸 I play Flute and Bass Guitar (at the same time, on occasions). I also play some guitar, though not nearly as much. I like several forms of song writing, despite how bad I am at it. 🪈


People say I always get an 100 on tests. So to prove them wrong I took an autism test!

And uh.....


🐱I have 7 pets, because there's no such thing as too many. Two cats, two dogs, one turtle, one snake, and one hermit crab. I used to have 5 hermit crabs, though one turned about a canibal....and we couldn't stop him. Hence the singular hermit crab.


Taylor Swift?

*exasperated sigh*

Don't even get me started...


☕️Favourite beverage?

Tea, without a doubt. It's just superior. 


Favourite warcrime?

Hmmm...wait what-


📖 I LOVE Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Like, half the things I say are refrencing it, just no one notices.


Revolver > Abbey Road, BUT only on Sundays. I dunno, just hits different on Sunday afternoons.


Skip intro button > Sliced bread. Controversial, I know, but it's true.


Most popular questions from my fans?

Probably - sorry, what's that?

I haven't taken my skitophrenia medicine?


Huh, I could've sworn-




Proof I wasted my life:
