LGBTQ+ friendly club

회원 6명
2023. 5. 2.
0 플레이한 이벤트

This club is for anyone to join and anyone who is a part of the lgbtq+ or just people who support it are welcome here. No racism or homophobia or any of the bad stuff against these people are allowed in chat or notes.

Anyone is welcome to join and chat with other members of the club 

Rules of the club:

1. No asking for ranks

2. No self promoting without my permission

3. No racism or any other ism or anything bad to people who support or are in the lgbtq+ community is allowed here

4. be kind and just no fighting

5. No promoting or demoting others without giving me a reason in messages

6. No deleting others notes in chat unless the message breaks any of the rules

7. If you need to ban someone here you can ban them as long as u give me a reason in private messages before you ban


If you have any questions feel free to message me and ask