Diamond Member

Association with the wise is the root cause of obliterating all misery. Tripura Rahasya

Thank you for visiting my profile.  I am returning to chess after four decades away from the game.  I enjoy several aspects of play, study, and community here on and try to be a little active in each every day.  I am most interested in chess books and the literature, methodologies, and traditions of chess study and learning. I hope to one day include chess as an outreach and development tool in my work as a founder and director of Flowering Tree. Please visit our website if you have time and interest.  Best wishes for your journeys in chess and in life.


Chess books I have enjoyed recently


Generally I read and reread continually all the books I am interested in - going extremely slow all the while. This is both to help absorb the materials and to linger on so much that is satisfying and enjoyable.  I marvel at the strange beauties, dazzling creative moments, and irresistible logic in chess. 




Still working through: 


Karpov's Strategic Wins, Tibor Karolyi

From GM to Top Ten, Judit Polgar (great KID chapter!)

Chess Success, Neil McDonald

Zurich 53 (How Great is Bronstein Smile)

San Luis 2005, Gershon & Nor

Blunders and Brilliancies, Mullin & Moss

Understanding Chess Endgames, John Nunn

and many others...




How I Beat Fischer's Record

Judith Polgar Teaches Chess Volume 1


Judith Polgar continues her remarkable chess career with a unique volume that combines superb biographical narrative with outstanding learning material.  Beginning in early childhood, the author integrates the life experiences, impressions, and learnings of an aspiring grandmaster with examples from her games. Indeed,  the format of the book is as original and creative as the author's chess.  Readers will thoroughly enjoy both aspects. Ms. Polgar has generously given us glimpses of her family and home life and the support system that enabled her success.  We are treated to many photos with scenes of practice, study, and fun. The chess material begins with the chapter "Tricks" and becomes more complex  as the book progresses (though this reader found the first several chapters complex enough.) The game examples focus on specific areas i.e. trapping the queen, improving piece placement, zwischenzug, etc., and are all the time set and explained in the context of Ms. Polgar's life circumstances and ascendency through the years into the highest ranks of elite chess.  In this the reader finds two parallel growth paths: Judith Polgar the girl and young woman, and Judith Polgar the becoming grandmaster.  The final chapter includes splendid annotations from the tournament in which Ms. Polgar earned the grandmaster title.  How I Beat Fischer's Record is a consistently wonderful book that readers will return to time and again for both the chess materials and for insight into the life of this leading professional chess player and significant historical chess figure. Highest Recommendation.



50 Essential Chess Lessons - Steve Giddins


The author has assembled 50 games grouped around thematic headings e.g., Defense, Pawn Structure, Piece Power, etc. He provides illuminating narrative analysis rather than lengthy and/or numerous varations.  Several of the games are relatively obscure gems that are rich in ideas. The games are perfect for ongoing study in light of the author's indications.


Excelling At Chess - Jacob Aagaard


This 2002 Chess Cafe Book of Year is superb and will benefit players of all levels.  Aagaard, who is founder/publisher of Quality Chess Books, is among the very best chess authors. Highly recommended.  

