Play Against GM Viswanathan Anand In Vishy vs. The World Match

Play Against GM Viswanathan Anand In Vishy vs. The World Match

| 76 | Chess Event Coverage is excited to invite you to play against GM Viswanathan Anand! The Vishy vs. the World match will start on September 30 and feature the Vote Chess format, which allows anyone in the community to participate. Please note that Vote Chess is only available on web, so you can't vote through your phone!

The event celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Kasparov vs. the World match. At the time, then-world champion GM Garry Kasparov made headlines when he played more than 50,000 opponents online. Kasparov eventually won the game after four months and 62 moves.

Now, players worldwide will face another former world champion and one of the most prominent chess figures on the planet, Anand. Members willing to participate can vote for the next move at any point in the game, and the game will follow the move with the most votes.

Vishy vs. The World format

This is your chance to play against the legendary Anand and to be a part of chess history! Expectations are that the Vishy vs. The World match will attract a massive amount of players, surpassing the 50,000 mark reached in Kasparov vs. The World. If this happens, you can be a part of the record-breaking game with the most participants in history!

To this day, Anand is one of the strongest players in India, one of the most potent countries in the chess scene. He is also among the few players over 50 who are still active and can compete on equal grounds with today's elite. Do you think you can take him down?

How do you think this game is going to end? Let us know in the comment section below!

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