Introducing: Grandmaster Gregory Serper

Introducing: Grandmaster Gregory Serper

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| 7 | Chess Players

It is a great pleasure to welcome Grandmaster Gregory Serper as's Sunday columnist.

Gregory is a strong Grandmaster, and the most experienced among our current staff of columnists. His experience extends not only to tournament play, but also to teaching, in which he has been active for quite a while. This you will probably readily glean from reading his first article, . As soon as I received this first article to read, I was sure he was an accomplished teacher; in response to my inquiries, he revealed that he had been teaching since 1993. I'm really excited to have his teaching skills here, and I expect his column, "Tactics from Move One!" will be dearly loved, and very rewarding for many members of our community.

But I would also like to take this opportunity to mention a few outstanding achievements of Gregory's as a player: in 1992 he lead the Uzbek national team to a silver medal in the Olympiad!! In 1996 Gregory moved to the U.S., and a few years later, in 1999, he won the World Open, and made it to the final match for the U.S. Championship. A few days ago, I was happy to see one of Gregory's other greatest accomplishments posted here on (someone posted this game with annotations, I believe, but now I can't find the link; can anyone help me?):

In addition to this all-time classic, I have picked out a couple other games of his which I find extremely strong. Enjoy :)


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