PogChamps Final: Hafu Is Champion

PogChamps Final: Hafu Is Champion

| 52 | Chess Event Coverage

In an exciting set of matches, itsHafu played Gripex90 in the championship match, and easywithaces took on Cizzorz for the top spot in the consolation bracket.

In case you missed it, here's how we got here:

The PogChamps 2 playoff bracket.
The PogChamps 2 playoff bracket.

The first match of the day was for the top spot of the consolation bracket. In game one, easywithaces sacrificed a bishop for two pawns and a chance to expose the white king.  The only path to a clear refutation of the sacrifice would have been the counter-sacrifice Bxh7+ in the position below.

White played the logical Be2, but Black played well, kept attacking, avoided stalemate tricks, and won a good game.

In game two, easywithaces played an early check with the queen, where it could have been captured! Here's how Cizz reacted.

That was Black's last chance. Once he got to keep his queen, easywithaces kept his cool and won the game.

itsHafu vs. Gripex90

In the title match, itsHafu came with good opening preparation. She surprised Gripex in the opening, won a bishop, and eventually found a fork to win a queen.

Game two was well played and balanced throughout. However, in the critical moment Hafu found another winning fork and finished it off with two rooks checkmating on the f-file.

Here are the games.

Congratulations to Hafu, the PogChamps 2 champion!

Previous Coverage:

NM Jeremy Kane

Jeremy Kane is a National Master and three-time Wisconsin state champion. He is the Director of Training Content for He has been teaching chess in person and online for over 15 years and has designed hundreds of lessons, available on He is the author of Starting Out The Trompowsky on Chessable and The Next To Last Mistake, a book on defensive ideas in chess.

He is the developer of the Caro-Kane Variation of the Caro-Kann Defense.

email: [email protected]

Twitter/X: @chessmensch

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