
The Monday Questions (10) for GM Sipke Ernst

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Sipke ErnstWe formulated ten questions related to Developing Chess Talent and every Monday we'll ask them to an interesting personality in the chess world.

1. Please introduce yourself (name, age, nationality, etc.)! My name is Sipke Ernst, 31 years old and living in Groningen, the Netherlands.

2. What is your role in the chess world? I play in the Dutch and German league. Besides that about seven tournaments a year. Also I am involved in chess coaching.

3. How did you develop your chess talent as a kid? By reading lots of books. I was especially fond of all the Dvoretsky stuff.

4. Who had a profound influence on your chess development? Hard to pick one, but Yge Visser was a good chess trainer.

5. What are your favourite sports besides chess? At the moment I do a lot of fitness and swimming. It´s good to be in shape when you play tough tournaments like the Dutch Championship, which starts the 10th of June.

6. What would be your advice for young people? Stay away from a professional chess career :)

7. What has your main concern in life besides chess? At the moment finishing my MA in Dutch Language and Culture. I have an extensive music collection. Also I am interested in almost every sport so following all sport results is another time-consuming hobby of mine.

8. What is the best chess game you played? Don´t know. Maybe Nijboer-Ernst, Wijk aan Zee 2005

9. What's your connection with 'Developing Chess Talent'? I have a copy of the book and I like it very much! I´m often a guest at Karel´s house and before the book was published we discussed many subjects that are in the book.

10. What question do you miss and what would be your answer? It´s all there!

    Background information

  • These interviews are produced for the Facebook Group Developing Chess Talent
  • Chessvibes is hosting them here and they will be linked to from the Facebook Group
  • The book Developing Chess Talent is written by Karel van Delft and Merijn van Delft and can be ordered via
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