chesscoachdiego Coach

Want to Improve Your Chess?

Stop following the average advice and go to the guy who will give you the tools to become a 2000 rated player

(Note:  You can watch my free masterclass: 5 shifts to reach a 2000 rating here

If you’ve been playing chess for any period of time, you’ve probably bought an online course or hired a chess coach who has taught you:

  • Ideas and game plans that you tend to forget
  • Mixed puzzles that work in training but not in your games
  • Opening ideas that are hard to memorize 

And sure

Maybe they’ve gotten you some results.

But the problem is that this is how the masses work and train chess. 

This will only take you to one level and then good luck. 

Excelling at chess takes more than just memorizing a few openings and grinding tactics.

I see players gaining 200 points in a few months and then getting stuck in the same rating for 5 years.

Making the same blunders

Losing winning positions

Thinking that chess is too complex and they are too late to get significant improvement.

Until they decide to give up and stay comfortable in their level, playing only with bots or casual daily games.

Every year, chess keeps growing, and new competitors arise, but most give up.

Sadly, they are also renouncing the joy of understanding the game at a deeper level.

But you are here because you don’t want that, do you?

Which is why you are about to make an incredibly smart move:

To get my eyes on your games & performance to help you improve your chess even if you have trained before (unsuccessfully).

I’ve done it for dozens of adult chess players... many of whom have businesses or are busy professionals, and you might think they barely have time to practice.

My clients are smart because they value time and know that the masses approach won’t take them better chess players.

So who is Diego Villanueva?

For nearly 10 years….

I’ve studied the games & performance of the 2000+ rated players, analyzed how they play, think and learn chess & seen what works and what makes people stuck.

It’s never more puzzles, new openings or lessons… unlike what other coaches tell you.

It’s always the underlying, “invisible” principles and strategies that do.

Which is why I specialize in giving high-level, customized advice.

Because THAT’S what matters.

For example, I can give you hour lessons to show you a new opening or a master’s game.


We can improve your tactical awareness so you stop missing opportunities and punish your opponent’s poor moves.

Identify the source of your blunders, how you can be fully focused for more time and remove silly mistakes from your games.

Teach you how to train your mind to find certainty when you don’t know what to move so you find your way in unknown positions and play confidently in any position.

or give you a simple tailor-made training plan, easy to follow, that fits your busy lifestyle and makes you feel that chess is exciting again.

If you couldn’t tell….

My strength lies in understanding the source of why you can’t improve your chess and providing specific advice tailored to your current level.

Areas I Can Provide Guidance On:

  • Teach you how to think, play and learn like a 2000-rated player
  • Help you to improve your focus in chess and life and improve your attention span
  • Teach you an ideal & fun opening for your style and starting point
  • Frameworks to orient yourself in complex positions
  • Prepare you mentally, emotionally and technically for OTB tournaments
  • Game review and teach you how to spot your weaknesses and fix them.
  • Take a look at your decision-making process and make it more organized/effective.
  • Improve your time management.


I am going to teach you how to approach your chess training smartly, make it fun and use it as a way to fuel your successful life.

We will remove all the things holding your potential back and explore techniques you won’t find in any book or course.

What Makes Working With Me Different?

This is a high-impact process!

Often, my clients realize that they are not improving because something is not in order in their life.

Wether is work, business or family, they have to deal with a lot of important things, so that makes them feel have less energy and time for chess even if they love it.

So we make it fun and engaging in a way that complements their life. 

The process will be challenging so you can show up your best version and become a confident player. I’m not here to give you hour lessons, that won’t make you find the brilliant moves.

This is often me asking you questions about what keeps you unfocused, unmotivated or finding the source of your mistakes. I’ll show you your natural tendencies and how to improve that…

This is a fun, collaborative process!

So to get the most out of our sessions..

  • Be committed to improving your chess
  • Be coachable and competitive!
  • Trust the process

 I don’t take under-age people or not competitive people.

This process of improving your chess is very similar to winning in life.

So, having the reference of being successful in your career, business, family, or other sport or hobby will make things much easier.

My Clients Who Get The Best Results Are...

Leaders who love the game and want to prove that if they win in life, they can also win at chess.

However, they won’t follow generic advice because the masses do it.

They are proactive, do the work and mostly need tailored direction to accelerate their growth.

If you are looking for hour-based lessons and what to do whatever the 99% of players are doing, working with me won’t be a fit.

My favorite people to work with aren’t those who want me to tell them what to do.

It’s those who want me to show them how to think.

If I guide you, you’ll see chess in a way that is secret for most players, and you’ll barely recognize that player you used to be a month ago.

Diego Villanueva


If you’re curious about potentially becoming a client, shoot me a DM me on

Tell me about your situation...

And I’ll map out a customized training for you and tell you what working together would look like.

If what you need is outside the scope of my expertise...

I’ll refer you to my “chess masters” pals, who are the best in the industry and better suited to care for you.

aka you got nothing to lose and everything to gain by reaching out.

So go ahead and send me a private message on with the word “Coaching 2024”