The Travelers Rest

11 członków
30 maj 2024
0 rozegranych turniejów

As you enter the local woods, a strange feeling causes you to look to the west. A mysterious door stands open, showing a dark interior. A sign over the door reads "The Traveler's Rest." Sounds of laughter come from inside.

Welcome to the Traveler's Rest! This is a hybrid club, part book club, part writing club, part roleplay. All characters from any story are welcome to visit. The inn counts as a place out of time, nothing in its roleplay counts as canon in any other roleplay or tale. You may use the roleplay to indirectly advertise your own tales, whether your roleplay clubs or your written works. There is a strict no violence rule for all visitors to the Traveler's Rest, and everything is free.

Each week, every club member may suggest a book for us all to read. Then we can vote on it. After reading, enjoy a relaxing discussion of the story.

Soon, there will be monthly writing contests. We will try to have a slightly different challenge each time. 

Adalais's world from Imagination World.

Adalais: While you are here, be sure to check out the WORLD MAP of the Traveler's Rest! It will change often as anyone may add onto it with adventures for your characters to try!
