Уроки шахмат для детей и взрослых. ====================================================
Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
Give online lessons for chess players of different levels of training.For additional information, contact the mail: [email protected]...
Hello! I am Master Fide. The maximum rating in standart chess - 2359. I had wins and prize places in tournaments in Russia, Kazakhstan,...
good day, I am now streaming on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/chickencrossroad1
Originate from Dundee, Scotland and have been in Jersey since 2006 and still enjoy some online chess!
Poker player and software developer (I am PioSOLVER founder/author) but I think chess is way more fun!
Chess Player, Content Creator, [email protected] 📩 https://beacons.ai/alexandrachess