
Dúvida quanto a empate


Fiquei com dúvidas quanto ao critério de empate nessa partida.

Não foi realizado três lances repetidos, porém está como "Empate por repetição".


It's not the moves that repeat. It's the board position which repeats.

The board position repeats after the following white moves: #48, #50, and #52.


Então não são repetições não precisão ser consecutivas?

ednardocomp wrote:

Então não são repetições não precisão ser consecutivas?

That's correct. The repeating board positions do not have to be consecutive.



Ah, obrigado. Eu não sabia disso.

SonicBR10 wrote:
Já aconteceu comigo

This game ended in a draw by stalemate. The black king was not in check, and black had no legal moves it could play.



"The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position. On Chess.com, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition."

It shouldn't be like this. In the rules the draw has to be claimed, if none claim the draw the game should be allowed to go ahead. That's what happens in tournament games and there is exactly no reason to be different here.

JogoReal wrote:

"The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position. On Chess.com, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition."

It shouldn't be like this. In the rules the draw has to be claimed, if none claim the draw the game should be allowed to go ahead. That's what happens in tournament games and there is exactly no reason to be different here.

I think everyone would agree with you in theory. The problem is how to implement the OTB threefold repetition procedure on a website like chess.com.

As I understand in an OTB game, you would have to stop the clock before you make the threefold move and call an arbiter to verify the threefold repetition.

On chess.com, you would have to give each player the abilty to pause the game for the threefold check. I think it would be very annoying for the opponent to see the clock suddenly stopped during an online game. Especially for a fast time control such as blitz.

And what would stop a player from unfairly pausing the game everytime they needed more time to think?


Não sabia disso, obrigado.


Também nao entendi

manekapa escreveu:
JogoReal wrote:

"The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position. On Chess.com, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition."

It shouldn't be like this. In the rules the draw has to be claimed, if none claim the draw the game should be allowed to go ahead. That's what happens in tournament games and there is exactly no reason to be different here.

I think everyone would agree with you in theory. The problem is how to implement the OTB threefold repetition procedure on a website like chess.com.

As I understand in an OTB game, you would have to stop the clock before you make the threefold move and call an arbiter to verify the threefold repetition.

On chess.com, you would have to give each player the abilty to pause the game for the threefold check. I think it would be very annoying for the opponent to see the clock suddenly stopped during an online game. Especially for a fast time control such as blitz.

And what would stop a player from unfairly pausing the game everytime they needed more time to think?

You claim draw after the repetition and not before. You do the move and claim draw and the computer or the arbiter just declare the game a draw, or you claim draw after your opponent produce the repetition.

JogoReal wrote:

You claim draw after the repetition and not before. You do the move and claim draw and the computer or the arbiter just declare the game a draw, or you claim draw after your opponent produce the repetition.

OK, what happens if the opponent has played a pre-move before the last threefold move?

I think the pre-move would be played before a human would have time to click on a button to request the threefold draw check.

Muito ruim quando acontece
manekapa escreveu:
JogoReal wrote:

You claim draw after the repetition and not before. You do the move and claim draw and the computer or the arbiter just declare the game a draw, or you claim draw after your opponent produce the repetition.

OK, what happens if the opponent has played a pre-move before the last threefold move?

I think the pre-move would be played before a human would have time to click on a button to request the threefold draw check.

There is no sense in the concept of "pre-move" and it should not be implemented in chess servers.