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Japan Chess Federation
このクラブは、日本国内で活動するプレーヤー、もしくは日本チェス国籍をもつプレーヤーのための日本公式クラブです。2019年より日本チェス界を統括・代表する唯一の団体日本チェス連盟 (Japan Chess Federation) に認知されています。日本と繋がりのあるチェスプレーヤーや愛好家が集...
Simply Delightful
A conclave of eager chess enthusiasts, enjoying participation in a breadth of scintillating chess events , learning and growing while enjoying c...
Kyiv Chess Club
Team of the capital of Ukraine. The city of Kyiv was founded in 482 A.D. — Команда столиці України. Місто Київ було засноване у 482 році. Приймаєм...
  A new tournament site is born:TCMAC: The Colosseum Master Arena Combat Open We organize Tournaments: We have 1 day, 2 days ...
Baker Street Irregulars
This is a group for all Sherlock Holmes fans. We are here to discuss all things Holmes - the stories, Baker Street, Watson, the movies, and - of c...
Team Zagreb
Ovo je tim za ljubitelje šaha iz Zagreba, Zagrebačke županije, kao i za sve koji vole Zagreb. Nastupamo u natjecanjima WCL - Liga gradova i...
Croissant and Friends
Hello there! feeling bored of chess lately? Then you should join croissant and friends! in our club you can socialize, play daily matches, vote c...
Vote Chess Powerhouse
Our team, Chess.com vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 6 strongest Vote Chess teams on Chess.com. Recognizing our growth and potential, we...
Chessmaster club
Greetings everyone. In this club, we will host great events and have a lot of fun If follow the rules, you will have the opportunity to become a su...
Jack Sarkisian Live
The official Jack Sarkisian Live club for live stream tournaments.
Yenimahalle Mustafa Kemal Anadolu Lisesi
Satranç Kulübümüzün Amaçları ° Satranç kulübümüzün en temel amacı öğrencile...
Ryneeboy's Chess Club Fam
This is a club for the best of clubs who dare to club with the wrath of other clubs within clubs.
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KJMS Tournament Chess II
KJMS Tournament Chess
Welcome to the VRChessClub! We are a vibrant community in VRChat, merging the fluidity of online chess with the thrill and social engagement of o...
Kings and Queens Chess Club
Hi to All!  We are a club with not too many members, and all of you are invited to be here. All club members are ACTIVE ones. We don't w...
Wolf And Cats Gang
Hello, I invite you to join Wolf And Cats Gang! A place where you will have peace! So, what are you waiting for? Join now! Thanks!
Exercitatio Artem Parat
Hi there. I would like to invite you to join our chess club Exercitatio Artem Parat. We are a constantly growing club and are part of dif...
Team Catalonia
This is the group representing Catalonia in the Chess.com World League. Members can only play and represent one Country in the World League and are...
Our Party Club
Welcome to our party club! This club is where you can discuss anything you want, and have fun, while making new friends! 😁 (I am NOT holding a gu...
European Cities League
This group was made for all the admins of teams who participate in European Cities League (ECL). If you are admin of any group of city and want to ...
Sahovska sekcija TQM Aradac
Pozivamo Vas da se učlanite u Šahovski klub Saveza Šahovske sekcije TKM Centra! To je mesto gde se okupljaju ljubitelji šaha d...