
SinceThou, O Lord, deign'st to approach again
And ask us how we do, in manner kindest,
And heretofore to meet myself wert fain,
Among Thy menials, now, my face Thou oifindest.
Pardon, this troop I cannot follow after
With lofty speech, though by them scorned and spurned:
My pathos certainly would move Thy laughter,
If Thou hadst not all merriment unlearned.

******************The earth was made so various, that the mind****************
************Of desultory man, studious of change*******************
**************And pleased with novelty, might be indulged.******************

Of suns and worlds I've nothing to be quoted;
How men torment themselves, is all I've noted.
The little god o' the world sticks to the same old way,
And is as whimsical as on Creation's day.
Life somewhat better might content him,
But for the gleam of heavenly light which Thou hast lent

He calls it Reason--thence his power's increased,

To be far beastlier than any beast.
Saving Thy Gracious Presence, he to me
A long-legged grasshopper appears to be,
That springing flies, and flying springs,
And in the grass the same old ditty sings.
Would he still lay among the grass he grows in!
Each bit of dung he seeks, to stick his nose in.

In this broad earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness and the slag,
Enclosed and safe within its central heart, Nestles the seed perfection 

FLAT LINING....  where is your horizon?

simple common sense no matter how far or how high you are

the horizon is always at eye level... no phd necessary.

  That means that you are a priviledged citizen of an apparent enigma.

  May the earth always rise up to meet you.

Write the vision, and that plainly on a tablet, that he that reads it may run

And the intelligent of the people shall understand much:

yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, and by captivity, and by spoil of many days.
 And when they are weak they shall be helped with a little help

but many shall attach themselves to them with treachery.
And some of them that understand shall fall, to try them as with fire

 and to test them, and that they may be manifested at the time of the end,

for the matter is yet for a set time.


Beware the Apocalypse Gambit or Trump Defense 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 c6 3.dxc6 e5
invented by AlekhineTroll unless someone can prove DIFFERENT.
My best win yet

The goal of the gambit (I think Lasker stated that "delights in chess gambits is an indication of chess youth" and Alekhine stated that the analysis of blitz games is useless) in not so many words and I do agree.

As I was stating before having to justify my gambit by name dropping a couple of the greats: They are correct btw, but for this purpose the sheer force of mobilization which is the goal unhinges my opponent.  The key of course is to play this gambit in 3 minutes or less to maximize time pressure.  The opponent must find a way to mobilize and prevent a quick mate while castling under pressure and this is the key. ENJOY.

move 6 opponent opens his b-file
the oppening ends at move 10 when both sides castle
My opponent has the 2 bishops and the "supposed advantage" so game on.
At move 15 my double pin on files d and c begins to pay dividends
Move 22 I do believe at this point my opponent blunders by oppening the darksquared diagonal to his King just to protect his isolated rook.  My opponent now has a weak back rank.
Move 24 the winged horse comes into it own, usually the knights should be centrally placed but it is not anethema.
Move 31 the coup de grass blunder of blunders due to time pressure the clock was maybe at 45 secs for my opponent at this time due to difficulties.
Move 33 was just plain nasty

And a just so...

A special thanks to my opponent from Egypt he knows that I caught him unawares.



no grunting no huffing no puffing no g-lock on your 6 no fuss no muss


Русские имеют разные далеко высокие амбиции; более духовного характера. Это больше о ваших отношениях с Богом

Америка не является врагом, это кто должными и их идолопоклонство.

DISCLAIMER: Awareness OF Chess Dot Com as a haven of 3 letter agencies goes without saying, it is afterall the home of man's greatest idol, his intellect, so chess dot com is more self aware than el LIBRIODECAMA.  TO TROLL THE TROLLS IS HAZARDOUS TO ONES HEALTH AND PRIVACY, BEWARE.  i am as sinful as any man I don't condone it.

Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death. I have committed even before setting pen to paper the essential crime that contains all others unto itself


addendum:  since trolls are prone to bouts of oversight we being the denizens of truth must give credit where credit is due

this is dedicated to the originator of  the Trump Di Fence  Signorini L. Morelli who owned

the great Alexander Alekhine even though blindfolded.

It is an example of the outliers out there

sometimes we do entertain angels literally.

The official name is the Scandinavian Defense: Blackburne-Kloosterboer Gambit

Trolls being Scandinavian ofcourse if the glove fits???

Let truth reign forget the rest, ye know not what exploits awaits
during your soul's earthly arbitration.



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