Humanity, Auf wiedersehen It's time to say goodbye. The party's over As the laughter dies An angel cries. Humanity, It's au revoir to your insanity You sold your soul to feed your vanity Your fantasies and lies. You're a drop in the rain Just a number not a name And you don't see it You don't believe it At the end of the day You're a needle in the hay You signed and sealed it And now you gotta deal with it. Humanity, Goodbye Be on your way, Adios amigo there's a price to pay For all the egotistic games you played The world you made is gone. Run and hide there's fire in the sky Stay inside The water's gonna rise and pull you under In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time
Nothing can change us, No one can save us from ourselves. Humanity Goodbye


Mihaela (11/09/1976 - 07/30/2012) was an extremely beautiful and smart person. She was kind and absolutely amazing. No matter how sad, angry or depressed you might have felt, no matter the hour, she was always there at your side and she had her way of taking away the pain with just a few words....you instantly felt better... :( She loved the mountains and the sea equally; she loved to travel and loved life.. If she would find a poor kitty she would have taken her home and she would take care of that kitty...that's how kind she was :(( She died in the early morning of 07/30/2012 in the hospital after fighting death for 3 days at the age of 35. All of us who knew her are devasted by her loss :(( :(( We pray that God will offer peace to her soul :( We will always love and never forget you, Mihaela! Rest in perfect peace my love :((

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