Anëtar Platini

Hi whoever is on my profile. I am Dom, I wish to be a professional runner as Ingebrigtsen is and I just do chess as a hobby. I also do Taekwondo and am nearly a blackbelt in it. I also know how to paralyze people for self defense. I personally find it better to temporarily paralyze someone for like a day, then kick their ribs or something and have them feel pain for weeks. When I fight someone which is normally never unless its to defend myself, I would just hit their pressure points to knock wind out of them and run. However don't call me a coward because that's the one thing I am not. If I run in a fight its not because I'm scared but because I don't want to hurt anybody. That's why I made people unable to move for an hour over making feel a broken rib for weeks. 

Some very good people:
@Advait0007, Someone who is S.A in like every club I'm in. He's very great at helping clubs grow

@Vesper_Leapurrd, Another great person. Owns a club of 200+ people, very chill.

@Mosalah211, The first person I talked to after a game, very great guy.

@Kimichan_1443, Seems like a good person, even though her and I just met I hope we can become good friends

@SlayerViroh, actually seems like a nice guy, Leo and him are in war but im taking Virohs side now.

Some neutral people:

@Empress_of_Chess1: Kicked me from her club just bc of pfp with Israel flag.
@D_e-a-t-h: reported one of my friends acc, he denies it.



99 .9% of you won't post this. When

Jesus died on the cross he was

thinking of you. If you're one of 0.1% that

cares, put this on your profile.


And that's it for my Bio. Enjoy your day