The Weekly Storybook

24 члана
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Under The Haunted Moon. The Phoenix's Feather. The Unwanted Hero. The Forgotten Keys Series.  Arkurus: Twilight Prophecy. The Silver Arrow.


They're all connected, can you spot the similarities? They're all books, inspired by what's going on here in, created for fun and for entertainment of our readers who bounce into an entirely different world.


You know, I just feel that is growing because of all of the friendships and books and thoughts alike that bloom here. You don't have to join. I'm not asking you to. I'm just telling you that, life's a lot better with books.

~@snowy, club founder


Sneak peak The Silver Arrow

Chapter 1: A Murder of Crows

Snowy crept through the woods silently, Lily and Luan at her side.

“What’s going on?” Luan looked around.

“Blood Gathering,” Snowy turned her round, fearful eyes on Luan. A Blood Gathering was when something/someone important died in the Hidden Forest. A pact was made so that there would be no war during a Blood Gathering.

As they slowly made their way to the Lunar Clearing, shouts became louder and louder.

“ALRIGHT, SETTLE DOWN!” Lily’s commanding voice carried over the clearing. She glared at the others. “WHAT’S HAPPENING?”

Everyone looked furious. Finally Vesper spoke up. “The Ravens are coming,”

A shiver of fear passed through Snowy. The Ravens were a group of warriors controlled by the Sacrificer, a person that nobody has ever seen. The Sacrificer was very mysterious.

Ravens…Crows…a Murder of Crows. Snowy shivered. The secret password, that if she leaked it to someone, the whole rebellion against the Ravens would fail.

Of course, all the Ravens did was ‘keep them safe’. But to be watched under the watchful eye of the Ravens was…disturbing.

“Why was this Gathering called, then?” Luan chirped. “Nobody died,”

Everyone fixed her with icy glares.

“Our freedom did,” Joe, an Elder, rasped. “They took away our freedom, in which we have a right to.”

Slowly and surely, everyone in the Rebellion raised one hand, palm facing outward, where a tiny symbol of the Rebellion was engraved on one hand. The cut marks on Snowy’s palm lit up blue and flickered a little bit.

“Freedom,” said Joe.

“Freedom,” Snowy repeated.


Sneak peek The Phoenix's Flame

The sky was dimly lit by a full moon, but as the seconds passed, it was getting brighter...brighter... a 
flaming shape was tearing across the sky. It passed by houses in a blur, crossed streets swiftly...and came
upon a house.
The person sleeping inside did not notice the light glowing from the window, she just kept sleeping.
Then the flaming shape left, leaving only one thing behind.
A glowing, flaming, phoenix feather.


Sneak peek- Under THe Haunted Moon

Under The Haunted Moon



*Vesper is running through the woods with her newborn 3 hour old son* 

*Pants* "I can't stop now. I need to get somewhere safe."

*Finally she stumbles across a clearing...*

"I think I lost them," Vesper panted.

A sinking feeling sets in her stomach as she looks up and sees... a blistering red blood moon.

Pt. 2

*Celestial runs across the field with Snowy.*

"Ha! Can't get me!" Snowy laughs. Being a 1 year old and being able to talk was extremely rare.

"Nope, I can!" Celestial, mother of Snowy, said happily. But on the inside, she was worried. What could it mean? The red omen.


The Unwanted Hero-Sneak peek


Day 1:

*Sitting around a campfire*

Five battle worn heros sit silently and watch the flames, as their dinner cooks.

"Today was not a good day," says @Nietzsche18440, as he cleans the dust and dirt from his shield. He lifts it up and looks at it in the fading light. "So many new dents were added today," he thinks.

"It was not," says @NL-Xena-Inactive1. Examining the string of her bow. "The wave of Dark Forces could not be slowed down. I was useless once they broke through our defenses. I am a ranged fighter. Not a hand-to-hand combatant."

"It was like a tsunami," says @PHoeNiX-CRYSTal. She gets up to stir the pot of stew hanging over the fire. She turns the bread which is baking on the rocks next to the hot coals. "No matter where I looked, all I could see were countless numbers. Like a swarm of ants blanketing the area. We were lucky to escape."

"Luck had nothing to do with it," said @Pasfon. "They had us trapped against the mountain face. If it wasn't for your quick thinking, Crystal, we would have been finished. Casting your magic towards the mountain and creating a rockslide was brilliant. The confusion and wall it created gave us the few seconds we needed to escape."

"Yeah. It was the only thing I could think of, but that desperate attempt drained the remainder of my magic. Thanks for carrying me to safety." Crystal sounded exhausted.

"There is no need for thanks," Pasfon retorted. "We might not be blood, but we are family."

The four of them nod in silence.

@JoeMadl leans the sword he was cleaning on the stump beside him. "Brothers and sisters, all of this will end tomorrow. I love each and every one of you and I ask each of you to make a decision. I request that each of you walk away..."


Arkurus prophecy: twilight

Synopsis Thousands of years ago, long after the Eight Goddesses had shaped the world and all within it, dragonkind thrived in tranquility, long after the Impyraens had disappeared. The realm of Arkurus enjoyed an era of peace and draconic unity, distinguished by its vibrant landscapes and rich natural beauty, enveloped by a wealth of lush foliage and emerald greenery—until it succumbed to corruption. The fate of its world hinges on the veracity of the prophecy. Can its promise truly be fulfilled? The story chronicles the valiant efforts of two dragons who emerge as saviors in a world that was once peaceful.


