Златни члан


Info About Me:

I may be on a Chess website, but I'm not the best at Chess.... as you would expect from someone like me.(I'm a bad 300, but trying to get to 500)

If you want to contact someone about Viroh, and info about him, Me and @snowy are the people to contact(RIP @Bobcatz, our third member of the anti-viroh group #JusticeForBobcatz #HateForTheVirus)

I live... somewhere in the milky way. I am.... unknown amount of years old.(Find my age using the kinematics equations! (My velocity - My initial velocity)/Acceleration lol joke)

My hobbies are origami, surfing, and water polo(WP!!!!!!!!!!!!).

My Clubs(please join them if you have the chance😀)

The-Chess-Champs(170+ Members) 

This was my first club that got big, it's in revival from the dead of inactivity, it would mean more than ever if you joined!

-Strategic Moves- (60+ Members)

My second big(ger) club, also in need of a revival.

You don't need to join any of these. But you would support me if you could.

My favorite clubs

The Fanwings.



My Clubs


Bio in progress.... from somewhere....