
1st SUICIDE CHESS (Anti-chess) Tourney!

Start Date: Jun 5, 2008

Finish Date: Aug 31, 2008

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Wahey! Suicide chess time! (aka Anti-chess)
Ok so i am drinkin again and tis ideas time ;) This should be a good laugh and something a bit different so if yer up fer it come on ahead!

Due to the fun and bizarre nature of this tourney, the games are UNRATED, so feel free to join in fer a laugh! (Cheers fer the reminder Erik heh)

Fer those that donnae know what this is here is a brief overview..its pretty simple..

You play as normal BUT if you can take a piece of yer opponents you HAVE TO TAKE it! 

The aim of the game is to be the first to loose all your pieces (NOTE that due to the mechanics of this site we have to modify the rules a little...clearly the king can not be captured.  Also note that checks, stalemates and checkmates still apply, because mate will automatically end the game.

This will require honour amongst us.. the way i think it will work best is that once you move and you know that one of your pieces is available for capture...then in the chat box type "take".

This will make the opponent aware that there is at least one piece that has to be taken, in case they dont realise. So if you see your opponent has typed "take" make sure you look for the capture and then take it. I know this may be cumbersome but it will prevent mistakes ofpeople not capturing when they should.

If someone does not take a piece when they should then they forfeit the game and should resign or else let me know and they will have to either resign or be withdrawn from the whole tourney.

Once one player has only their king left..then the other player must resign... that is the only way that this style of game can work on this site.

If a win is impossible due to the pieces left..then a draw must be offered and given.

If there are disputes or people who do not take when they should or resign when they should, then send me a message and ill look over the game and if someone doesnt play by these rules then sadly i'll have to remove them from the tourney which means they loose their games.

If multiple pieces are up fer grabs ye can choose which ye want to take, it doesnt have to be the stongest piece.

 Any questions or concerns please post here, in case ive fergotten anything important or daft.

25 games minimum and 5 hours max average move time

Cheers! :)


Checkmate clarification

Pistoleer | Jun 6, 2008, 8:57 AM

Hi guys!

Someone brought up a good question which i want to clarify here please..

Technically checkmates end the game here in this site of course BUT checkmates are not a part of suicide chess..

So an accidental checkmate is allowable (or unavoidable due to the mechanics of this website) but i want to stress that no one should be trying to checkmate the other person...  this is very important when one person has lost almost all their pieces while the other person has enough to checkmate... do not checkmate in this case!


We are off!

Pistoleer | Jun 5, 2008, 12:43 PM

Good luck and have fun guys!

Just remember... when you move - if your opponent can take you, in the chat box type   "take"   tomake sure that they see to take you.

If you can take someone you must!

I know it may take a little while for everyone to realise the rules but please try.

If someone doesnt take, at the start, by mistake - let them know and you can just make a "safe" move yourself to compensate.  

If someone repeatedly does not take, let me know, because sadly then they will have to be withdrawn. 

Cheers all and try not to!