
Jesus died on the cross for all of you, please believe it and find a church near you. The Bible is true and everything inside of it is true.  2+2=4, you can't change the answer. So don't try to blur the lines of set in stone things. 

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

-Romans 12:2

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

-Acts 1:8

Remember, that this season that we celebrate is devoted to Jesus. CHRISTmas is the greatest time of year, but always remember the true reason we celebrate. God loved this world so much he sent his one and only son to a carpenter and a teenage girl so that we could have heaven as our home. I hope you have a blessed day and find a church near you.

Thanks to the following people:

@CapeIguana, you have taught me so much about chess and are such an enlightening person to talk to about chess. You know so much and I would not be half the chess player I am now without you.

@ellerylikesdog, you are so fun and a joy to talk to every day. Your young perspective on things is a great part of your amazing personality and you are a exceptional chess player.

@ChillyChess2010, for being a great person to talk to and for offering great spiritual tidbits.

@SoulMate333, you are an awesome Christian and have offered much spiritual information which helps me in my walk with Christ.

@f3_Kf2_1-0, you have taught me quite a bit about chess and offer a lot about middle school and teenage life in general. You've done a lot and learned a lot, but you're a great person at heart.

@LILSKIESISTHEGOAT_CJ, you try so hard at chess and you're just starting your walk with Jesus. I hope you find happiness with God and give your life to Christ.

@Scandi_Andy, for giving me so many different experiences in the Scandinavian and for being a good friend.

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