

^^ __ SOME OF MY FWEINDS __ ^^ 


  • @Lilyana : lily is very nice and sweet and kind. She is like a older sister to me <3 we play chess sometimes and she is fun to talk with ^^ ily lilos!!

  • @BestBubble7 : ells is nice if ur nice back to her, she is sweet and kind and carring. She is one of my 1st fweinds here <3 

  • @Crazy-Rei : she is like a sister to me, cares 4 me and makes sure im ok. Ilysm <33 ^^ one of my fave ppl frfr

  • @A_Goat_Named_Meek : meeker is a nice and funny person 2 talk 2!! ^^ he is nice if ur nice back to him. 

  • @CallmeLyric : clyrics is like a brother 2 me, he is kind a nice to everyone ^^ one of my fav people <3 

  • @Catto : one of my bestest freinds, he is so nice and was always there 4 me ^^ debbile is very fun to be around 

  • @Love-Lilys : lyds is like a sister to me, i will always be there 4 u <3 ilysm (im her mushroom) 

  • @the_magical_player : 1 of the first ppl I met here. He is nice and very caring 

  • @chesspeppa : nitya is so sweet a nice, she is funny and supportive <3 ilysm 

  • @CowChessminator : “FOR OWNING THE BEST CLUB IN THE WORLD WITH 2473 MEMBERS” very funny and nice 2 talk 2!!

  • @CelestialCompass : ella is my book bestie she is sooo nice and kind <3 ily 

  • @GirlWonderingDaLife : like a second mother 2 me 

  • @Kimichan_1443 : my kiwi so so nice she was always there 4 me ^^ fave people ilysm 

  • @Kayden_Potter : VERY good fweind of mine, always there 4 me <3 lysm 

  • @EthanJojy : ethan is a nice and fun to talk with, he is nice and caring. ily!!

  • @Blessedinfaith : my mother she is nice and kind <3

  • @BravoTheBagChaser1521 : my father he is kind and sweet ily!!!

  • @X_Mylee_X : she is so nice and kind and always made me smile, she is also my MAMA <3 ilysm 

  • @luv_desii : camsies is so nice and kind, i love her so much!! <3

  • @Genyewaw_pawn123 : pawn is fun to hang out with and talk with ^^ ily!! one of my fave ppl
  • @GMchessminator : gm is a very nice and kind person 2 be around, funny and kind ^^

  • @NotChloey : she is such a good freind (banned T^T) shee is there 4 me when I need it and I will do the same

  • @Jared : jerd is a nice and chill person to be around, easily trust him 

  • @Alex141141 : <33333333 words cannot express how much I love her, like a sister to me 

  • @Metropolis-Boomington : nice person and fun to talk with 


  • @Lost_Champion_tact : tac is a nice person to be around, funny and kind and was there 4 me ^^ 

  • @Ben_2Jazzy : bennnnnnn my watter fweind, kind and nice

  • @mqhal : matches my energy I LOVOE HER SO MUCH EHEHHEHEEHHE

  • @Rosette-Solace : one of my bffs here, nice and kind <3 ^^ ilysm 

  • @Yeonjun1309 : nice and fun person to talk to, very pretty

  • @Ana_And_bojana : ana is a sweet girl, always makes me laugh. 

  • @Agrolucario35 : Bestieeee, nice person 2 be around

  • @SageSamy : Goated,but big noob fr fr (jk) 

  • @XEvil_IncarnateX : SOUL! He is a nice person 

  • @Scemer : A very nice human or cat. can tend to be ehe. 

  • @notzayn003 : zayyyner

Also if you want to challenge me only challenge me in un-rated 

🌷___________________________ 🌷

*✿❀  Some good clubs you should join ❀✿* : Active club with sweet ppl in it : Awesome club with all my friends in it : GREAT CLUB : Fr one of the best clubs ive been in 

🪻💜 ____________________ 🌻💛

to my bozo L besties 

~ the end ~

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