
I'm a HALO. :3 Btw, go listen to HAL's songs right now. (especially All In and Remedy and Dear Taylor and Happy and Until Tomorrow Comes and Ordinary Life and Bloodshot and God Toook His Time and...) And follow Zach, Ryan, Pedro, James and Tommy!!!!! TOMMY ESPECIALLY <3! Just so you know, HAL means the British boyband Here At Last!

Also, fav country, England. If being specific, the town Reading in England! Even more? The Here At Last House! <3 HALO 4 Life!

My Fav Series: Keeper of the Lost Cities (KotLC), The Forgotten Five, Literally almost every single Chris Grabenstein book, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, Sky Fall, Front Desk (Is that what it is called?), and series I probably forgot because they are way too many books I like <3

Current View Goal:

100: Complete! 🥳

500: Complete!🥳

600: Complete!🥳

700: Incomplete😟

Get me to 700! ;D