
Hi I am a toilet.  Actually I'm a transtoilet.  I used to be a... something else, but I got the surgery so now I'm a toilet like I always wanted to be!

My pronouns are poo/poop/poopy/poopself.  As for my gender, well I'll get back to you on that, I'm still trying to figure that mess out.

I'm an avant garde artist, a post-post modern Neo-Dadaist or something like that. I write a new manifesto about it every day on a roll of toilet paper.  That's where I spend most of my time is in the bathroom, hogging it for pretentious art reasons when I'm needed for throne duty.  


And so is M. R. Mutt, the porcelain god who modeled Fountain which is like David by Michelangelo to us toilets!