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Calculation With Dvoretsky

Calculation With Dvoretsky

What did legendary trainer, IM Mark Dvoretsky have to say about calculation?

In 2016, GM Jan Gustafsson sat down to discuss calculation with the world-class trainer, Mark Dvoretsky. Learn from their in-depth conversation.

  • What candidate moves should you consider?
  • How do you find prophylactic ideas in chess?
  • How can you watch out for counterplay?

Counter Chances Part 1: Calculation With Dvoretsky

Mark reminds us of one critical aspect of calculation - we are not alone on the chessboard! It's crucial to not only look for your own ideas, but to find ideas for your opponents as well.
36 phút
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Counter Chances Part 2: Calculation With Dvoretsky

We keep training our awareness of counter chances with a longer excerpt from the game Inarkiev-Vitiugov and a few more exercises.
39 phút
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Candidate Moves Part 1: Calculation With Dvoretsky

Calculating would be much easier if we knew what candidate moves to calculate. But how do we find those? Mark has a modern take on an old topic and a lot of great examples with which to train us.
41 phút
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Candidate Moves Part 2: Calculation With Dvoretsky

The old candidate moves technique still deserves a place in modern chess. Mark Dvoretsky shows us some more examples and gives us some more brain teasers.
32 phút
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Prophylaxis Part 1: Calculation With Dvoretsky

Prophylaxis is another important tool for finding the best move in a position. Mark shows us some examples that illustrate why.
39 phút
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Prophylaxis Part 2: Calculation With Dvoretsky

Feel like you need some more practice with that prophylaxis idea? We've got you covered!
44 phút
5 Thách đấu

Calculation With Dvoretsky

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Ngày đăng 1/22/2024
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