
Intelligent, good sense of humor. / Sinse I've reached my goals (Rating 2400, Being best dutchman and Av. Opponent 2100 - Summer 2008), I think I'm able to show my face instead of my cat. / In my life I've always played chess for a few years and then stoped for quite some time. Would I be any better if I hadn't stoped ? I don't think so. Chess is something you can't 'learn', I'm sorry to say. Ofcourse the openings are VERY important. But you're as good as you are and I'd say just enjoy it. / Here is a real funny chesspuzzle that I composed : White Ke1, Ra1, Nd6, Black Kc3, Rc4, a4, b3. White to move and wins. You'll probably tell me it's impossible, but it isn't ! My brother (5 years older) taught me chess at 6. I won the first game... But that was just because he didn't explain that you couldn't take the King just like that :-) But he had his revenge. Won every game until I was about 12. At 13 we were quite equal. In that year (1972) I joined a chessclub for almost two years. Indeed, the year Bobby Fisher became worldchampion ! He inspired me. I still often play the Aljechin (against average players), because Fisher won with it in the 13th game. Best game I've ever seen ! Also joined a club in the years 1992-1995. I studied Ruz Lopez at 13 and is about my favorite opening. I never play sicilian, don't ask me why. But with white I like it and have lots of success with it.