Che_ssdave Community Streamer

chesspawnWelcome to my profil!chesspawn

friends About me:

My name is David (you can also call me Dave if you prefer). I'm 15 years old and I'm the oldest of three children (all boys). We live in Switzerland although my parents came from Portugal.

themes My hobbies: Playing football (soccer for you americans) and also playing chess. 

fork Favorit meal: Lasagne 

coaches Favorit chess players: Garry Kasparov and Magnus Carlsen

gold Here are some of my best games:

tactics Puzzles: Here are some puzzles. The first one is from one of the lines of a daily game which I had calculated, the others are from my games.

playhand Challenge request: I will only accept (most of the time) unrated challenges (Daily and Live chess, both work for me). 

messagesFriend requests: Feel free to send a friend request.happy